
Showing posts from January, 2022

Designing a Practical Step and Repeat Back Drop or Banner

  While hosting or sponsoring an event, a step and repeat banner can be a highly useful thing. These items can catch people’s attention towards your brand. Simultaneously, the guests would also get a backdrop for brand images. Guests can share these photos, and the viewers would see the brand or logo repeated all across the back drop. While  step and repeat back drops   may seem simple and straightforward to implement, there are a few things to keep in mind when designing one. Not doing so, would create an unreliable back drop that won’t sustain over extended periods of usage.  Here are the key steps to make a highly optimized and customized design for the brand banner. Choosing the right banner size is the most basic and the very first step for the whole process. As these back drops would also serve as image backdrops, their size must be sufficiently large that can be easily extended above and also on both sides.   Once the right size is determined, you n...